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Embarrassing Rome

Updated: Dec 15, 2019

The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Mistakes... we all make them, even though we pretend to be perfect beings. They happen, we learn, but, sometimes those mistakes can be a doozie, think wiping someones wedding photos clear off the only USB key that contains them. True story, I was the victim, but no worries, they were recovered! No, my mistake happened in Rome, and it was much more embarrassing.

I felt fancy, being in such a beautiful city, steeped in history and glamour. Even though I was wearing bright blue running shoes to a prestigious restaurant, I still felt pretty aristocratic.

We managed to weasel our way in by promising we would finish eating in half an hour, the pasta was calling and we were ready.

Beginning with a nice bottle of red wine and pretending to know what we were doing when asked to taste it, we were feeling the buzz of excitement in the air, or rather, the alcohol in our brains.

The wine that started it all, La Carbonara, Rome

The moment our first dish hit the table, my eyes went black. I was ready to rip into it like a shark, but I'm better than that, I pretend to be a gazelle instead.

Using all the best table manners I possessed, I successfully stabbed my fork into a piece of cheese that was calling my name. Well done, you refined being, you.

At that moment a deafening crash filled the restaurant. "Job opening!" I thought to myself with a chuckle. As I looked down at my prized piece of cheese, my eyes rested on a shattered plate next to our table.

In this quiet, packed restaurant, I had managed to flip the plate of cheese while demonstrating my "elegant" impaling skills. Our waiter rushed over to my red face and quickly reassured me not to worry as he tidied up.

To my relief, he was generous enough to bring over a new plate of cheese, placing it well away from the edge of the table. That Italian hospitality really shined through. My mistake was no big deal to them, they were only concerned with making sure I didn't feel like I just decimated their crockery.

Sun setting over Vatican City in the distance.
Rome, Italy

To be human is to make mistakes, it is one of the things that connects us as everyone can relate to that dreaded feeling. Many people won't venture outside their comfort zone for fear of screwing up. However, at the end of their life, people always seem to regret not taking more chances.

The funny thing about messing up, are the stories you gain through those experiences. They always seem to be the best ones to share.

My advice, fill your story with intriguing and hilarious tales, make as many mistakes as you can and enjoy the ride.

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