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Reykjavik's Nightlife: One Marathon You Will Actually Want to Get In On

The sun sets over Iceland's Diamond Beach

As the sun sets on a Saturday over Iceland's capital city, Reykjavik shifts from the quiet slumber of the day into a vibrant social atmosphere, filled with laughter and music. This marks the beginning of one marathon you will want to be a part of, Reykjavik's nightlife.

Through travel, one may begin to realize the places with the worst weather, always seem to have the most fun come nightfall.

It's not surprising, considering the risk of cabin fever when Mother Nature is being a bit unreasonable.

Reykjavik is no exception, a true marathon of nightlife awaits, with a variety of establishments staying open into the wee hours of the night, some as late as 5am.

With many places to choose from, you will have no problem finding a vibe that suits your mood, even as it changes with every glass of "juice" you order.

Viking Beer in Iceland

Beginning just after sunset, you will find many happy hour offers to get your night going. Granted, happy hour in Iceland usually means you are paying about $7 CAD a beer instead of $14 CAD.

Yes, Iceland is expensive, but it's less painful paying full price after downing a couple of drinks at happy hour.

Now, if you're like me, you just did that math and said a few four letter words to yourself after calculating how broke you will be on the other side of a night in Reykjavik. No worries, I got you.

Hot dogs, amazing in any country, but mind blowing when in Reykjavik and the perfect friend to your beer.

Hot dogs from Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur in Reykjavik

Stop off at Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur, a red hot dog stand in Reykjavik that has the best hot dogs I have ever tasted, resulting in a constantly moving line of eager consumers.

Each hot dog is about $5 CAD but left us with mad cravings, drawing us back multiple times in a day.

Order the works and you will be presented with your wiener loaded with raw onions, fried onions, sweet mustard, and remoulade.

It may look like there was an accident, but trust me, this will start your night off right. It's also the cheapest food we found, so that helps with your budget.

Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur in Reykjavik

Now that you are satisfied with your happy hour drinks and fancy hot dog, it's time to move on.

Start off in the laid back atmosphere of a local pub to keep pace with the locals and get to know some of the people you are sure to run into throughout the night.

An Irish pub called The Drunken Rabbit is the perfect place for this. With two floors, there is plenty of room to grab a seat, chuckle at the humorous decor and join in on the fun with the outgoing staff.

If you are greeted by a rabbit holding a shotgun on the bar, you know you are in the right place.

Have a seat and revel in the merriment that surrounds you. This mood is synonymous with nightlife here and is sure to follow you everywhere, only to result in dancing as the night draws on.

Icelanders enjoy a good time, but it takes a little while for the party to get started. Let the booze sink in a little and around 2 AM the laid back, social drinking, will turn into an all out European rave.

The Drunken Rabbit

Before that, however, you may be invited to some shots of brennivin. "The Original Icelandic Spirit", as described on it's signature black bottle, is known as Black Death.

Tasting sort of like vodka with an aftertaste reminiscent of wine, this shot packs a punch that will be the boost you need to bring it up a notch.

Locals love to see tourists try this rocket fuel for the first time and will often buy you a shot. With a name like Black Death, you know it's more for them than for you, but you must comply with this right of passage when partying with an Icelander.

A shot of brennivin

At this point, you may be feeling loose and ready to pretend you are the dancing type. The time has arrived when live music comes out to play.

About the same time brennivin makes an appearance, a sprightly entertainer will take the stage, singing tunes that will cause the entire place to break out in song and early performances of the dance of the inebriated popping up in the crowd.

Upon completion of the set list, it's due time to crank it up to ten and stumble your way to a proper night club to sweat out that alcohol.

By now, you have probably gathered a group of new friends and you are all feeling the groove. Make your way to American Bar where the music will be deafening and the dance floor packed.

Typical of a night club in Canada, American Bar is a great interpretation of what westerners expect when they think of going out and is a fun way to end the night on a high.

Friends after a night in Reykjavik

Although partying in Reykjavik only ends when you are normally waking up with a woodpecker in your brain after a night out at home, the variety of bars, pubs and clubs are perfect for gradually lifting your mood until you feel like you're Beyonce, tearing up that dance floor.

Icelanders really know how to pace themselves and slowly build up the excitement of an evening to keep the party going, literally, all night long. Follow their lead and enjoy, it will be a memorable experience you may not expect in the land of fire and ice.

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