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Surfing... In Munich?

Hohenzollern Castle, Germany

Talk to the locals, they know their city best and will give you insider tips on where to go, what to see, or what you should experience. A last minute trip to Munich left us rather confused on how to proceed following an afternoon of beer steins. However, through some friendly conversation with those who know best, we found our answer, go discover Munich's surfing community.

Dodging bicycles and electric scooters, before realizing I was that ignorant tourist walking in the bike lane, I was pleasantly pleased to see surfers walking across the street towards Englischer Garten, Munich's Central Park. We must be close.

They were headed toward the best surfing spot in town, The Eisbach. Located within the English Garden, an easy walk from Marienplatz (the main square), consisting of a rough portion of the Isar River which flows through the park. We could heard the thundering of water long before we saw it.

Turning the corner, the excitement in the air was contagious. Lineups of people dressed in wet suits, waiting for their shot to surf the icy river, snaked their way along the rocks on either side of the shore.

An unspoken set of rules played out before us, each side alternated, one surfer at a time gliding across the water. Everyone was supported whether it was obvious they were a beginner or a pro.

The best part, the etiquette of sharing did not need enforcement, nobody rode the wave for more than a minute, jumping off their board and allowing the current to push them to the back of the line once their time was up.

Surfers at The Eisbach

We sat until dark, enjoying the sights and sounds of these talented athletes braving the water. The lack of light did not slow them down and it was clear these people really knew how to enjoy life.

I can't imagine surfing is easy. I for one do not have great experiences with waves, from a bathing suit flying off, to sunglasses being slapped from my face. I admire how the surfers of Eisbach created a community and found something they love to bring them together each day.

If you are ever in Munich, treat yourself to an afternoon of a spectators dream, up close and personal. Also, I suppose if someone in a beer hall tells you you need to see something, just go... in our case it worked out, what could go wrong?

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